Improvement of the knowledge, skills and competence of the teachers in on-line and distance education
The IMONED project addresses the urgent needs of teachers. However, there are many different e-learning courses for different target groups. Those that are free, are of very low quality and others are paid for, so it is not a good product for teachers. Our product will provide comprehensive knowledge on the preparation, development and implementation of effective distance learning. Furthermore, the project will provide knowledge of the methodological and pedagogical approach to this type of learning, and will provide training in the relevant soft skills needed for this purpose. The IMONED project will closely complement other projects implemented by the partners, as each organisation develops and implements several e-learning projects and selfeducation. In the current situation in Europe and the world, there is a profound lack of knowledge about the subject teachers in the field of distance learning. This is why our project will significantly complement other projects, as it will also increase the absorption of knowledge other projects.
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