State of the Art

This document was prepared for the implementation of the 3R Project “Take the challenge and start the 3R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Promoting zero lifestyle among adults” in the framework of the Erasmus + program in order to present the current situation in partner countries (Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain and Hungary) in terms of the subject of the Project.

The document presents the main issues related to waste production, water resources and consumption as well as the production and consumption of electricity in partner countries; presents the activities of zero-waste and "less waste" initiatives and also presents legislation related to the subject of the Project.

The definition of "zero waste" is adopted after the one of the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA) which indicates that it is "the protection of all resources through responsible production, consumption, reuse and recovery of all products, packaging and materials, without burning them, and without discharging them to the ground, water or air that endanger the environment or human health. ' "Zero waste" can also be treated as a lifestyle in which people try to generate as little waste as possible and at the same time not to pollute the environment.

Respecting the idea of zero waste means striving to minimize waste production and thus protect the nature that suffers the most from waste. The principle consists in trying to comply with 3R:

• reduce,

• reuse,

• recycle.

Reduction means shopping wisely and consuming everything we buy. Minimize what ends up in the trash, because what we throw away can take decades to hundreds of years of decomposition. Using things repeatedly means not throwing them away senselessly. Always think about whether the item can be used in another way or possibly sell or donate it. Recycling in the context of zerowaste does not mean recycling more, but less, because, on the contrary, the purchase is primarily made only in packaging that can be used more than once or in packaging that is recyclable.
